Thursday, April 4, 2013

Iowa Assessments

            This week at my school, Kennedy High School, we have been taking the dreaded Iowa Assessments.  This is my, I have lost track, year taking the different standardized tests.  When I first started taking the tests in 3rd grade we were taking ITBS, then in 9th grade they were ITEDS, and the last two years they have been Iowa Assessments.  This was my last year, so I am pretty excited, but for kids who may have a few more years, I have some hints on how to do well.

1)      Get plenty of sleep the night before.  The tests are very boring, along with any standardized test and most tests in school.  It will help tremendously if you are not trying to doze off during the test.  A full 8 hours will also help you concentrate during the test, as you will be less likely to start staring off into space, which seems to happen so frequently.

2)      Make sure to eat breakfast before coming to school that day.  If you have a full stomach you will be more alert and energized.  You will also be able to focus more fully on the test since you won’t be sitting there thinking about how hungry you are.  I think everyone has heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and although I don’t usually eat a breakfast I always make sure I do during the week of testing.

3)      Have plenty of #2 pencils, oh and an eraser.  Almost every test is going to require that you use a #2 pencil so that the machine they run everything through will be able to interpret your answers.  Almost every pencil you find in the store will be a #2 pencil so you are probably okay, but I wonder what happened to #1 pencils… Also make sure you have an eraser that works very well, so that same machine you need the #2 pencil for doesn’t think a line has two marks instead of one and then count it wrong.

4)      Go to the bathroom before going to your homeroom for the test.  I made this mistake today, and it was a very long morning.  If you are sitting there thinking about how full your bladder is, you will not be focusing totally on the test. Trust me, nuff said.

Even though I was talking about the Iowa Assessments during my lovely post here, these tips would also work for the ACT, SAT, and any other standardized test you may be taking.  I have also got to add, that although I say the testing is terrible, I am kind of sad to go back to not having them.  The Iowa Assessments mean I don’t have to go into my 0 hour class until 7:20 and all my classes are shorter.  However, I am certainly excited to not be eating lunch at 1:05 any longer.


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