Tuesday, April 2, 2013


            So this morning my mom decided to remind me at 6 that the cleaning people were coming today.  Now this might sound weird, but for the cleaning people to be able to clean, your room already has to be picked up so that they can just do the vacuuming and dusting.  Because I have a 0 hour, the short notice I was given meant I had about 15 minutes in order to pick up my very messy room, that usually requires at least an hour.  I have been doing a pretty good job of keeping it picked up lately, but here are some easy tips for keeping cleaning your room quickly.

            The first thing you want to do is make your bed. Usually this would be the last thing to do on people’s lists but it’s the first on mine. You will soon see why I suggest you do this first. Next, look at your floor, everywhere, and search out all the clothes, putting them all on top of your bed. Now I bet that cleared about half or more of your room, I know for me it is almost all of it. With this pile of clothes on your bed, distribute it to a dirty laundry or clean pile.  I would suggest then removing all the dirty laundry and putting it into the laundry room, and putting away all the clean clothes.

            The second thing you do is to get a box or garbage bag, judging how much stuff is remaining on your floor and put that on your bed. Pick up all those scraps of paper and things that have just been laying on the floor you don’t mind parting, putting them into the bag or box.  That should clear up a majority of it.  The remaining things should easily be able to be placed in different places around your room where they belong, and if it is like me there will only be a few things/

            The last thing you have to do is clear out all the garbage bags and boxes you filled up with your stuff and start the big laundry load and that is that.  That is how you clean your supper messy room in 15 minutes flat.


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