Sunday, April 28, 2013


            I have had braces for over 3 years, in fact over 3 and a half years yay… oh wait never mind.  Braces suck and I don’t know how else to describe them, and they are really just a hassle.  There is brushing, the appointments, and the lovely rubber bands for months on end… oh and don’t forget the diet change.

            If you think that brushing your teeth is time consuming, try it with braces.  You have to make sure to brush from every angle of the brackets, wires, and hooks every time.  Plus, food gets stuck so much easier and is that much harder to get out.  The biggest fear with not brushing is the dreaded stains after the braces come off, for me it is basically a given after almost 4 years I will have some sort of stain though, especially with my coffee love.

            The monthly appointments to the orthodontist are so much fun.  I can never wait until my next one.  I really hope you knew that was sarcasm.  Spending a good almost hour every 4-6 weeks well they basically tell you to just come back again in another 4-6 weeks, I’ve lost track of how much time I have spent laying in the chairs at the orthodontist.

            For me, the longest and most difficult part of the braces part has been the rubber bands.  I have been wearing rubber bands for I have no idea how long.  They are always breaking and are everywhere in my house and car by now.  In fact, this post topic was decided when I yawned and my rubber band snapped.

            The favorite part everybody says when they get braces is when they can no longer chew gum, well technically.  Although in some ways braces have been convenient in getting me out of eating foods, such as celery, in middle school when I really didn’t want to eat it, now I’m just tired of not being able to eat a caramel apple.

            I remember looking forward to getting braces, now I look back and laugh at myself.  Just remember kids, braces suck.


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post. You make me laugh. I agree with you that it is so much more of a hassle trying to brush teeth with braces (not to mention flossing!). It may seem like you've had those pieces of metal on your teeth for such a long time, and you are so worried about getting stains. But don't worry. Both my brother and sister had braces longer than you--both had them for 5 years! And neither one of them ever had stains. I remember when I had braces, I was TERRIFIED of getting stains, even though I brushed my teeth really well. I never did get stains, thankfully, and I only had braces for two years but was still worried about getting stains. Trust me, in the long run, you will be so thankful that your parents paid for you to wear braces for those four miserable teenage years of your life. Like I said, my brother wore his for five years. He used to have HORRIBLY crooked teeth and a really bad overbite. But he did what he was told and wore his rubber bands and headgear faithfully, and now he has some of the most beautiful teeth I've ever seen. They are as perfect as perfect gets. In fact, it was such an improvement that his dentist actually brought my brother's before/after to an orthodontics convetion to show off his work for "biggest improvement"! Not only do straight teeth look nice, but as you get older, it is hard to take good care of crooked teeth because it is hard to clean in those tight, hard to see and reach places. My dad never had braces, but my mom did, and guess whose teeth look better and have fewer problems? Yep, I don't even have to answer (but my mom, of course). And about the gum-chewing, I never followed most of those rules. I chewed gum all the time and I never had any problems (so long as you chew sugar-free gum, you'll be fine). I actually think it helps to chew gum because it prevents stains and helps get food out of your teeth. And if you are really concerned about getting white spots or stains, try whitening mouth rinse for a little while. Just don't go overboard or otherwise you'll have the reverse--instead of white spots, you'll have yellow spots because your teeth will actually be whiter than before you initially got the braces :)
