Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall Has Arrived.

            Fall is finally here! The leaves are changing.  The nights are cool.  The harvest is in full swing.  Football games and the beginning of the hockey season are here.

            The leaves are peaking right now where I live.  Yesterday I was in Northeast Iowa and it is simply stunning.  The reds, yellows and oranges creating a canopy over the cliffs is just beautiful.  The first frost has already happened and the leaves are already even beginning to fall.  Autumn is in full swing in Iowa.

            My family is farmers.  Our harvest is going early this year.  Soon I will be tilling the fields for my dad to get them ready for next year.  It is not long before I will be pulling out the plants in my garden and making a map for spring to keep everything rotated.  I’ll be ordering all my seeds soon, and my dad will be busy selling corn and beans to the local farmers.

            Football games have been going on for a few weeks and it is getting cold.  Every game I end up in a sweatshirt and still shivering.  Watching the marching band and cheering on the Cougars and Cyclones means it can only be fall.  Roughrider’s hockey starts this week and I will be working the concessions there.  Watching the boys skate and fight on the ice, this is fall.

            Everything around us means that it can only be fall.  Before we know it, it will be winter and snow will be covering the ground, which can only mean one thing… Skiing!


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