Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Squeaky Chairs

            We all have those things that just irritate us, the things that get under our skin and drive us crazy.  Many times these things are being done by another student in one of our classes and they may not even realize it, you may even be the culprit driving everyone else nuts in your class.  If you have a class with me and you are doing one of the things on my list, I would kindly ask that it stop because in person I am generally too nice to ask and just suffer in silence instead.

1.      Playing your music so that everyone else in the room can hear it.  I like country, yeah I’m my own individual person and don’t care what everyone else is listening to.  Don’t get me wrong, your music may have a sweet beat and all, but I don’t want to hear it.  Even if you are playing country, the way headphones are made, I can probably hear the beat but not make out any of the words so it is just going to irritate me as I sit there and try to think of all the words in my head.

2.      When the kid behind me is humming anytime we get individual reading and work time.  When you are humming a random tune, I can’t sing and I can’t hum along so just please don’t do it.  Most likely, you are ruining my concentration, which I don’t have a lot of to begin with.

3.      The person who clicks their pen the entire class period.  I know I am guilty of doing this, but I also know that after a short time I realize I am doing it and stop.  Anyone who is able to sit the entire class and click their pen obviously realized it at some point and is choosing to not stop.

4.      Sitting in a squeaky chair and knowing you are the person driving everyone else nuts.  I know this isn’t something that anyone else can prevent but this has got to be the most irritating thing I encounter while at school.  Currently, I am sitting in the computer lab at school and my chair is so squeaky that I eventually had to grab my iPod (put it on low so no one else can hear) and drown it out because it was just going to drive me nuts sitting here.

      I hope that if you saw this and know me, that you took the time to read it.  Even more importantly, if you read this and can identify yourself as one of the people that may be doing this in one of my classes, I would appreciate if you stopped. Thank you in advance! J