Saturday, October 13, 2012

Election 2012

The Election of 2012 has promised to be a historical one, but aren’t all Elections historical? In history class we learn all the past presidents, so in essence all presidents are historical. However, I feel as though this election is different in many ways. For starters, the candidates have had equal poll ratings for what seems like forever, so unlike some elections were you can predict who will win, while I’m worried because you just don’t know. Second, our economy is in a recession, cities in California are filing for bankruptcy, what if our government has to file for bankruptcy? Third, our national debt, I already don’t like the taxes I have to pay and just imagine what they will have to be to pay off our ever increasing debt. We learn in APUS History about Hamilton’s financial plan, but how much national debt is too much? Fourth, the advertisements are getting a little obnoxious.

            I was only 12 during the Election of 2008 took place but if I remember right; it was almost obvious from about half way through Bush’s second term of presidency that the next president would be democratic.  So, in 2008 when Obama was elected president, it was really no surprise.  Now, every little thing said by the candidates seems to move the polls either which way, it seems like in November the election results really will be a surprise.

            Sure, we were in a recession during the last presidential election too.  However, at that point Republicans were in office and was being blamed for the economy, now Democrats are in office and we continue to be in a recession.  A lot of the vote will come down to how each candidate will help each individual voter and few will be looking at the whole final outcome.  Either way, the current economy will play a large role in the outcome and even the economy figures up until Election Day will help decide the outcome.

            The idea of a national debt has been disputed since our country first gained its independence.  Hamilton wanted to establish a permanent debt to help the new country have a good credit, while Jefferson felt that it was a bad idea to start our country with a debt.  Since the last election, our national debt has skyrocketed, which people may view as bad or good.  How people view the debt, similarly when our country gained its independence, will help decide our next leader.

            Anyone else getting call after call from different political parties? Then there are the calls reminding you that we have an election coming up (I’m not roommates with Patrick Star thank you for asking), the mail advertisements going after rival candidates that I always use to do my nails, and the constant commercials on TV and the radio.  I’m starting to get tired of all the back and forth from the candidates and can’t wait for the election so it can all stop already.

            All-in-all, the Election of 2012 has sure been promised to be historical.  One can only wait until the results in November to know who will the next President of the United States.


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