Sunday, September 23, 2012

Partyin' Partyin' Yeah!!!

            Parties, we all love them, but many times we don’t think about the work that the host and hostess put into making that party happen.  We enter their home, eat their food, play their games, and then leave.  We may have only been at their house for a few hours, but most likely they spent all day cleaning and cooking for just those few hours.

            The hostess may have been picking up all their belongings for the past few days.  They probably then dusted that morning and vacuumed that afternoon.  Most likely there is food, because how could it be a party otherwise.  Not only was time spent on preparing all the food, but the cost alone could turn many people away from hosting a party.

            Make sure while attending the party you show proper manners.  No one likes a rude or grumpy guest.  Show that you are truly happy to be there and don’t be the party pooper that no one wants to be around.  Participate in the games the host and hostess have planned rather than trying to run your own.

            So the next time you go to a party, make sure to thank the host and hostess.  It shows that you appreciate the time they spent preparing to have you over as a guest.  If it is possible, offer to help by bringing some food or invite them to the next party you host.  It is only right that you make sure they know you appreciate everything they did to allow you to have a good time.


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