Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall Has Arrived.

            Fall is finally here! The leaves are changing.  The nights are cool.  The harvest is in full swing.  Football games and the beginning of the hockey season are here.

            The leaves are peaking right now where I live.  Yesterday I was in Northeast Iowa and it is simply stunning.  The reds, yellows and oranges creating a canopy over the cliffs is just beautiful.  The first frost has already happened and the leaves are already even beginning to fall.  Autumn is in full swing in Iowa.

            My family is farmers.  Our harvest is going early this year.  Soon I will be tilling the fields for my dad to get them ready for next year.  It is not long before I will be pulling out the plants in my garden and making a map for spring to keep everything rotated.  I’ll be ordering all my seeds soon, and my dad will be busy selling corn and beans to the local farmers.

            Football games have been going on for a few weeks and it is getting cold.  Every game I end up in a sweatshirt and still shivering.  Watching the marching band and cheering on the Cougars and Cyclones means it can only be fall.  Roughrider’s hockey starts this week and I will be working the concessions there.  Watching the boys skate and fight on the ice, this is fall.

            Everything around us means that it can only be fall.  Before we know it, it will be winter and snow will be covering the ground, which can only mean one thing… Skiing!



            As I previously posted, my school had some new rules at this year’s homecoming.  Some people have viewed the opinion that they felt the dance was better than in previous years for fear of getting kicked out.  However, many of these views were said by those who left the dance relatively early.  I stayed until shortly before the end and the only difference I saw from previous years was that teachers began to push more to get to the center of the dance floor and that there seemed to be fewer students present.

            Personally, I know someone who got in trouble 6 times for inappropriate dancing.  She got in trouble for doing things on the list, that I previously posted, that was supposed to result in being asked to leave the dance.  However, she never did get removed from the dance.  I also saw many other students dancing against the rules but nothing was really done about it.  Some teachers would go up and ask them to stop, and they would for a little bit but ultimately it would just continue.

            I think that the new rules kept some students from going to the dance at all.  I believe the rules may have scared some of the freshman and they may have chosen to not attend the dance then.  I think some students also decided that they would probably just get kicked out so they didn’t even bother.  I also know some students who were coming to get pictures taken to give to their parents and then left to hang out with friends.

            A few complaints about the dance, I feel as though there should be more slow songs played.  Yes there is the group of people that get mad every time there is a slow song, but a lot of couples do attend the dance.  I know I would have appreciated getting to slow dance a little more with my boyfriend.  Another one would be the strobe lights.  A few times would be okay, but they can also get really annoying.  I have a friend who has epilepsy and strobe lights can set off seizures so she would never be able to go to our dance, and I know there must be some epileptics at my school.  I also have a genetic condition that causes tremors, and the strobe lights were giving me a headache and making my tremors very bad even though I did make sure to take my medicine.

            All and all, I enjoyed the dance and I think the idea behind the rules was good.  Although, I do think that they need to have a little bit better enforcement of them or they will never be followed.  However, I probably will go to WPA and I certainly will be going to my senior homecoming next year.


The Second Job Called Homework

            Recently I had a very important thought pointed out to me by some other students and a parent.  Many kids these days spend 7-9 hours a day at school, 5 days a week.  If a job is considered full time, you are working 40 hours a week (8 hours a day, 5 days a week) or more.  This means that we go to school, and don’t get paid, and it is the equivalent of a full time job.  On top of the fact that just being at school could be a full time job, we are then given homework to do when we get home.

            There have been many nights that I have been given over 8 hours of homework.  My average night of homework is probably around 6 hours.  However, there has been multiple times that I have begun my homework when I get home around 3 and I am doing it until 3 the next morning when I give up and decide everything I am reading is really just going in through my eyeballs and out my ears.  One thing to remember also, all the homework done after 9 or 10, depending on the sleep the night before, is taking at least twice as long as it has to.

            Personally, there have been many nights where I have fallen asleep while doing my homework and woken up to my alarm the next morning.  However, I have learned a few tricks this year to staying up late and pulling “all nighters” this year:

1.      Drinking caffeine, it seems so cliché, but it really does work.  I usually go through all the pop in my refrigerator and find which one has the highest caffeine content because the less you have to use the bathroom, the better.

2.      Setting an alarm on your phone and then hitting the snooze every time it goes off so that if you do doze off, it wakes you back up and you don’t end up waking up in the morning with nothing done.

3.      Texting someone else doing the same thing you are doing, it makes your homework take longer, but it keeps you awake throughout the night.

4.      Only do the homework that you have to do.  Don’t bother with reading assignments unless you have a quiz the next day.  Generally you are safe with waiting till the next night to do the reading.

5.      Do all your homework on the weekends that you know you have due the next week.  You will really appreciate having less during the week and getting more sleep.

The biggest thing is, many times we, as students, are being given homework to double the hours we are spending at school.  This means, that many of us are doing the equivalent of working two separate full time jobs, one at home and one at work.

Teachers really should give us less homework.  Many times we are asked why we are so tired at school and told we need to get a better night of sleep.  However, we are being given too much homework to allow this and therefore should not be blamed when we fall asleep during class.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


            Restaurants can be a great way to get away from the everyday normal.  They allow us to have an off-day from cooking and cleaning.  They are also an easy way to have a party or family get-together.  At the same time, you are dining with people you don’t know and your food is being prepared by cooks you never see.

            We can go out-to-eat and relax.  It allows for everyone to choose their own meal and prevent arguing over what to eat.  All of our food is prepared for us, the table set and drinks brought to us.  Restaurants can also give us time to talk to those we have with us and catch up on things that are new in their lives.  The food is then brought to us and when we are finished eating, you don’t have to clear and clean your own table and dishes.

            A party or get together can also be done at a restaurant to prevent the need for cleaning.  A restaurant generally allows parties and may even allow you to rent out the whole restaurant or a room.  This way, the food is prepared for you and you don’t need to worry about anything except inviting the guests and showing up like they do, oh and of course the bill.

            However, when dining in public, you don’t generally know those at the tables around you.  There may be a screaming baby or toddler running around.  I’m sure we have all been in a booth when the person behind us is bouncing and that’s all we can feel.  Then there are the giggling, loud, teenagers that are disrupting the whole restaurant with their loud chatter.

            Many times while dining out, you never meet the cook or cooks that prepared the meal you ate.  The cook may prepare your food differently than you would prefer, and you also never know if that food was prepared after you ordered or was done that morning and just reheated.  Then there is the chance that they may have not washed their hands as often as they should be, which really could bother some of those germ phoebes that we all know.

            However, dining at a restaurant allows us all to get away and enjoy a meal without all the added work involved in preparing it at home.


Partyin' Partyin' Yeah!!!

            Parties, we all love them, but many times we don’t think about the work that the host and hostess put into making that party happen.  We enter their home, eat their food, play their games, and then leave.  We may have only been at their house for a few hours, but most likely they spent all day cleaning and cooking for just those few hours.

            The hostess may have been picking up all their belongings for the past few days.  They probably then dusted that morning and vacuumed that afternoon.  Most likely there is food, because how could it be a party otherwise.  Not only was time spent on preparing all the food, but the cost alone could turn many people away from hosting a party.

            Make sure while attending the party you show proper manners.  No one likes a rude or grumpy guest.  Show that you are truly happy to be there and don’t be the party pooper that no one wants to be around.  Participate in the games the host and hostess have planned rather than trying to run your own.

            So the next time you go to a party, make sure to thank the host and hostess.  It shows that you appreciate the time they spent preparing to have you over as a guest.  If it is possible, offer to help by bringing some food or invite them to the next party you host.  It is only right that you make sure they know you appreciate everything they did to allow you to have a good time.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Taking Over Dances

Today we were told to go to homeroom and were given expectations for our Homecoming Dance coming up.  The paper reads as follows:

“Behavior Expectations for

Dances at Kennedy High School

The Following expectations have been developed by members of Kennedy’s Student Government and endorsed by the Kennedy staff and administration:

1.      It is expected that all students will wear clothing for a school event

2.      It is expected that clothing will be worn as intended at all times.  Boys are expected to keep their shirts on.  Girls are expected to keep their dresses and skirts at the intended length.  Pulling skirts/dresses up is unacceptable.

3.      It is expected that all students will dance appropriately.  Simulating sex acts, dancing with hands on the ground, etc. are inappropriate.

School staff and administration will enforce the expectations.  Students who do not follow the expectations will be asked to leave the dance.”

            Now I don’t know about anyone else, but the expectations are just sad.  However, I feel as though they are the same rules that have been in affect the last few years, but were just only written down now.

            I think we have all always known these rules, but at the same time everything will still be the same.  I didn’t attend homecoming last year, but I did go to WPA and I saw many of these things be done, and the rules were not enforced properly.  I feel as though either the same thing will be done this year, or they will be over-enforced and similar to another local school, kids will instead start having outside parties.

            I know our school does not want to necessarily set strict rules that prevent kids from coming to the dance.  By doing that, it opens up kids to have their own parties that may include illegal activities that could have been prevented, such as drinking.  I know our school also spends a lot of money on homecoming and does not want to lose a lot of ticket sales.

            There are a few things, however, that these rules leave open for your own interpretation.  The first rule could either mean that we should not show up naked, which in that case I could come in a bikini if I really wanted to; or they could mean to wear appropriate clothing which in that case I might want to wear a dress.

            There are a lot of things that could be interpreted in the second rule.  First, boys have to keep their shirts on; however, it doesn’t say anything about pants.  Now this may or may not be a shocker to you, but I have heard of guys whipping it out on the dance floor.  The second thing wrong is that the intended length for many skirts on homecoming dresses nowadays, means there is no need to pull up the dress in the first place.  I also know a guy that wears a kilt occasionally, and according to these rules he would be allowed to pull that up as much as he wants.

            Now I come to the third rule.  One concern of this rule could mean that there would be no more grinding allowed.  In response to a school that made a rule stating just that there was a dance last year called “Grind Fest” outside of the school event which like I said earlier, could lead to illegal activities.  I feel as though this rule should almost just go right out there and instead of saying simulating sex acts, just say having sex.  Everyone at my school knows it happens, even the teachers.  The whole hands on the ground thing has always been a rule, only enforced by a few teachers in the past.

            The biggest thing with all these rules, the real culprits won’t be caught.  The girls with their skirts up dance in the middle of the large mob or people, and the kids having sex are also in the middle.  I really think the rules are not going to change anything except give us all something to talk about going up until the dance.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Surprise Parties!!!

            Surprise! I have always wanted to hear those words as I walk through the doors on my birthday.  It would be awesome to have a surprise birthday party in my favor.  In order to have a surprise birthday party, someone or a group of people have to care enough to do a party in your honor, the way you would want, but without you knowing.

            I want one of those surprise parties where the cars are all hidden, and you have no idea until the moment they jump out at you and you almost pee your pants.  My parents even told me that they went to a surprise party where the girl ran out of the room screaming.  At the same time, I don’t want to be so surprised that I show up at my party in something like my pajamas.  I would want to have a warning, such as a dinner or something, so that I would look good for pictures.

            I also think it would be awesome to be in charge of a surprise party for someone I cared about.  To plan for everything, send out all the invites, and then see their face when you surprise them and know you caused that would be great!  In fact, this entire post is making me think I should do this now, for the next birthday person I know.

            I want to give a few hints for all you surprise birthday party throwers, make people car pool, and hide the cars.  If the person you are surprising recognizes a car, it can ruin everything right before the party begins.  Also, make sure everyone knows it is a surprise and if inviting younger children, don’t tell them ahead of time, just have their parents bring them that night.  Nothing ruins a surprise like when the youngest cousin tells them they are going to their surprise party, and many times a younger child doesn’t understand they can’t tell the birthday person.  One more hint, hide the pizza.  Tonight, I went to a surprise birthday party, and the birthday girl thought it was very strange there was a huge pile of pizza on the table, and knew something was up.

            The most important things to remember, have fun and don’t ruin the surprise!!!


Fears vs. Risks

We all have fears.  There are those fears that everyone has, like spiders, snakes, heights, that sort of thing.  But I don’t want to talk about those kinds of fears.  I want to talk about the deep down fears, the ones you don’t tell just anyone.  Now you yourself may not even know what your biggest fear is in your heart, but everyone has one even if they don’t want to admit it.  It could be about losing your job or your business failing and not being able to support your family, or it could be about hurting or losing the one you love.

Whatever the fear is, it is the type of thing you don’t tell just anyone.  It is the type of thing that when you lay down at night, you just think about it, you just worry about it and can’t let it go.  At the same time, you don’t want to be that person that does everything to avoid letting that happen, that person that never does anything because they are so fearful.

Being fearful is learning to take risks.  I’m not talking about risks like jumping off buildings or swimming with sharks, but not letting your fear run your life.  If you want to start a small business and have the means to do so, do it.  If you don’t take the risks and instead let the fears run your life, you will always have regrets.

Similar to fears, regrets can keep you up at night.  They can make you ponder everything you did that day or maybe even longer.  Regrets are able to make you question your every action and word, and maybe even yourself as a person.  They can be just as haunting as your worst fear, but then again, many times your biggest fear goes hand-in-hand with your biggest regret.

Say you have always dreamed of starting your own business.  Most likely, the starting of a business will take everything spare penny you have.  You will fear having your business fail and not being able to support your family, but does that mean you shouldn’t do it?  Most likely if the opportunity came up and you didn’t take it, you would regret it.  You would be left always wondering, what if?  We, as humans, need to learn to balance our fears and risks, in order to eliminate the regrets and what ifs.  I say, if you have a dream, take the risk.


Monday, September 10, 2012

The Changing World

            A friend of mine, or at least someone I know not sure if we are the term friends, recently gave up the internet and Netflix for a week.  I don’t have Netflix so that wouldn’t be very hard but I feel like it would be very difficult to give up the internet.

            Nowadays it seems like in order to be able to get anything done you have to have the internet and a smart phone.  I even have a class this year that we are allowed to use certain apps on tests, but I don’t have a smart phone or fancy iPod, so therefore I am missing out on all these opportunities.

            Now if I gave up the internet during the summer, I feel like it would really not be that big of a deal, I might just be out of the loop on Twitter.  During the school year, however, I have to constantly check my email, I have school projects, and of course I have to blog every week.

            Personally, I can’t imagine what life would have been like for a teenager even when I was born 16 years ago.  Now, most kids entertain themselves on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Netflix.  All of these things didn’t even exist a decade ago, and most families didn’t even own computers.

            Sometimes I wish I knew what life was like as a teenager 16 years ago, when I was born.  Most likely, I would not have had my own cell phone, laptop, or 3 TVs in my house.  I know for a fact that I would not be writing a blog for my LA class and that every time I did use a computer I would not freak out when it took more than a second to open up a document.  As the new laws regarding school nutrition show, I would probably be eating healthier and kids would be more active.

            I know I am only a teenager, but kids these days are spoiled and lazy.  We all drive to school even if we live only 2 blocks away and I know everyone at some point during their life has called someone in their house to ask for something instead of walking to them.  I am able to just text my friend whenever I want to talk to them, and I don’t have to wait till I get home and call them, and hope they are home too.

            Technology is changing the way kids grow up.  I have even heard that in some professions the information taught in college changes every year, which means that your knowledge will be out-of-date the year after you graduate.  In some ways these changes are good, but we will just have to wait and see what the overall outcome will be.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Those Things That I Just Do Not Understand

            I feel as though we all have that list of things that people can explain to you over and over again, and you still never understand what they are talking about.  I have a long list of these things and I will try to explain it all to you as best as I can.

            To begin with my list, Slenderman.  Who is he? What is the game about that people are playing? It has been explained to me but never seems to make any sense.  I also know it is supposed to scare you, but what people tell me it is wouldn’t be scary at all.

            Second, #oomf as a hashtag on Twitter.  It took me a month to figure out #yolo but I still have no idea what #oomf is.  Actually, the whole concept of hashtags on Twitter really makes no sense.

            That’s just two things that are really bugging me right now.  I feel like I will probably be making a new list every few weeks.  I will be trying to keep a list as I go and post every few weeks about it.  If anybody understands any of these things and wants to comment and try to explain them, they are more than welcome to.


The Bored List!!!:)

Have you ever been really bored? Like so bored and you don’t know what to do? In case you haven’t read all my other posts, most notably the post titled “Who Am I?” (I know I would not have taken the time to read all my posts), than you might not know that I live in Iowa, so I live in Iowa. Everyone always says that Iowa is the most boring place ever and that we are all farmers, of course this is not all true. Living in Iowa for the past 16 years of my life (that’s my whole life) I have found what to do when you are bored. I have also decided to share some of these ideas with you.

Living in Iowa, there are plenty of corn fields. If you are ever bored, you could always go walk in a corn field. Now for all you people that live in places other than Iowa, I am sure there is always a wheat, oat, bean, or rice field. When in doubt, you could always walk on some sand. Now for some people walking through a corn field all by yourself would be kind of boring and I’m trying to help you not be bored so bring some friends. If you enjoy scariness, than try walking through a corn field at night, or you and a few friends could even act out “Children of the Corn”, if you are children, otherwise don’t try, it won’t work.

            The next thing I enjoy doing is going for joy rides.  This is obviously not the most cost effective option, and if you are super concerned about the environment, this may not be the best choice for you.  While riding around town you can always blast your movie super loud.  I enjoy country music but my boyfriend prefers rock, so it is basically just whatever you enjoy listening to.  You could always drive around the same neighborhood over and over again, but then you may have the cops called on you especially if you drive a white van.  Otherwise you can drive around town or around in the country, looking at the corn and soybean fields.  During the drought this last summer, I especially enjoyed the last option but I also am a super freak and liked to be able to identify cornfields that were just not going to make it until harvest.

            If it is raining, you could always make friendship bracelets then give them to all your friends.  I generally do this during long car rides instead, but only when someone else is driving.  Or you can always play a board game.  I know this seems like something only a loser would do, which is true, but it’s still okay.  They are called board games because they are for bored people, which if you are following my advice you are supposed to be bored.

            There are actually only two things on this list I would actually suggest doing.  If you know me well, you will know which two they are, otherwise you can guess.  So the next time you are bored, try one of these and I promise you will no longer be bored.

The Power of Words

           Have you ever seen a movie or play that seemed to have a storyline made for one age group, but the diction used is confusing for that specific audience?  I went to go see one of these the other day.  I decided since I’m not old enough yet to attend rated “R” movies, I would instead go see Madagascar 3.  I don’t know how many of you have gone to see the movie, or have even see Madagascar 1 and 2, but even if you haven’t, I am sure you all know the basic concept of the film.

            In Madagascar 3, the animals have once again managed to get themselves into another sticky situation, as they do in the first and second movies.  They spend the span of the movie trying to find their way home while pursuing various adventures.  The best way for an animal to travel is of course, a traveling circus.  However, they are still in Europe and must be able to earn a contract in the United States before they will be able to return home.

            Alex, the lion and leader of the animals, orchestrates the ultimate circus performance.  If you have seen the movie, you will know what I mean when I say it was quite an impressive circus.  You have to remember, while watching the movie, that they are all animals.  In the circus the animals are able to trapeze and leap through the air, while completely running their own circus.  For an older audience, this may seem quite childish and unrealistic.

            Now I realize the movie is obviously made for children, as there aren’t very many movies with talking animals for adults.  However, I feel as though some of the humor in the movie would be difficult for children to understand and was more centered towards adults.  This being said, I don’t know why the director would have made the movie this way, as certain parts would have been confusing to young children without being able to understand the humor.  There were times in the movie that the animals also began to speak other languages, including French and Spanish.  These points in time were especially difficult to follow as there were no subtitles included.  However, the absence of the subtitles makes sense for the children who cannot yet read, but many children would not have understood what is being said and therefore missed the humor being used.

            Overall, I think the movie was funny and would be a good family movie.  However, supposedly the storyline was supposed to be pointing towards a younger audience, but the humor used was pointing towards a more mature audience.  The director and screenwriters should try to use better diction when writing a movie for young children so that everything is able to make sense for the target audience.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Surviving Strict Parents

            I’m sure you all have that friend, or it may even be you, that has those really strict parents.  If it is you, you are constantly the first person to leave parties or getting embarrassed by their ever-watchful eye.  Sometimes you wonder if there will ever be a day in which your parents will give you a little more freedom, or whether you should give up and just expect this until the day you turn 18.

            Most likely the reason your parents don’t give you more freedom is not because you have done something to make them not trust you, but because you have never done something to make them trust you and to give them reassurance that you are responsible.  One of the best ways I have found to make your parents give you that little bit more space is by getting a job.  For an employer to hire you, they have to feel that you will be responsible, and for them to continue to offer employment to you it means they must trust you and feel that you have responsibility.  A job also gives you money, so your parents don’t feel like you are spending all their money every time you go out.

            Another great way to gain some freedom and that is so easy, doing well in school and getting good grades.  You can get good grades and maintain them by doing your homework and spending some time studying before tests and quizzes.  Good grades help show to your parents that you can be responsible and make good decisions; and most importantly, that you are smart.  Even if you just can’t seem to be that straight A student no matter how hard you try, your parents should honor any improvement in your grades.

            Last but certainly not least, would be talking to your parents.  Communicating with your parents will tell them what you have been up to.  When they know what is going on in your life, they are more apt to trust you.  Confiding in them is a great way to gain trust; it shows that you trust them and can bring you closer to them.

            So if you are that kid with the really strict parents, hopefully this will help you in your journey of growing up.  And don’t forget, when you start to get more freedom, follow their rules of it won’t be long where everything goes back to normal.

Every Girl's Dream

             I'm sure everyone has been to a wedding at some point in their life. The beautifully dressed bride and the groom you can barely recognize.  The flowers and the heavenly smells at the sunset and the bride and groom say “I do.”

            Every teenage girl dreams of the day she will get married; picking out wedding dresses online, wedding colors, and dreaming of marrying every actor she sees on television.  A girl just can’t wait to finally be proposed to so she can finally pull all of her dreams together into a reality.

                Of course, the two most important parts of her wedding will be who she marries and the dress.  The girl dreams of the guy; how handsome he will be, how nice he will treat her, and whether her dad will approve.  As a girl, one can’t help to worry that she will never find the right guy, that she will be alone forever.  You have to be able to trust, and know that what he says is true.  At the same time, the guy has to learn his world now involves another person and that she deserves to be treated with respect.  Everyone worries that once they are married, their marriage will turn into the movies where they girl is treated horribly and must wait on her husband and get him his every need.  Every girl must also know the right guy is out there somewhere, and to be patient and she will find her prince charming.

            The most important part to any girl after she officially says, “Yes” and has the right guy and the ring, is finding the perfect dress.  There are so many questions where the dress is concerned, should I try to lose weight or stay as I am? Whether she should wear the traditional white dress or try for a shocking dress full of color.   How much should I spend on a dress I will wear for one day, but the most important day of my life?  Every girl has to go through all these questions in her head, but it is harder for some than it is for others.  Ultimately, come the day of the wedding when the bride walks down the aisle to the man she will be spending the rest of her life with, she will look like a princess.

            You can be sure that the wedding day will be a day that the bride and groom will never forget.  She will remember his face when he first saw her, and he will remember the first time he saw her in her dress.  But of course, the most important reason for the wedding is not the dress but the love the two people share for each other and celebrating the uniting of two people in holy matrimony.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Who Am I?

Who am I? It is a question one is often asked, especially near the start of school.  I’m sure that you have even asked that question to different people a hand full of times.  It doesn’t mean that you always enjoy answering it, or even know how to answer it.  But I will go ahead and tell you a little bit about myself.

            I am 16 and a junior in High School.  I enjoy dancing and taking Tang Soo Do at a local Karate Institute. I don’t currently play any sports in school, but in the past I have been on Dance Team, in cheerleading, basketball, volleyball, cross country, track, and softball.  I currently work for a local Minor League Baseball team, and will soon be starting to work the hockey games.  In my free time I like to hang out with my friends and boyfriend, go to football games, and get coffee.

            I have a little brother who is 12 and I love him to death even though sometimes I just can’t stand him.  I also have a Godson who is 3 and absolutely adorable.  I have no pets even though I love cats and have been trying to get one for years.  I grew up on an acreage outside of a small town, before moving into a bigger city.  Even though we moved, my dad still farms the land surrounding our old house, while my mom works for a local cable company.

            I live in Iowa, so we grow a lot of corn and some soybeans, and my dad still owns a small hog building.  During the summer I work for Pioneer Hi-bred helping in their research fields.  In the fall I also help my dad with his harvesting and with plowing his fields.  I hope to major in Biology either at Luther College or the University of Miami, and continue working in the fields until I go to Medical School to be a neonatologist.

            I am a blonde and I follow all the stereotypes of blondes very well.  I rarely understand jokes until they are explained to me, and I am good at running into things.  I am one of the most giggly and smiley teenagers you could ever meet.  However, I have learned some important lessons in life.  Don’t regret your mistakes but learn from them, and live your life and not take anything for granted, you never know when your life will change.

            Now you know a little bit about me so enjoy. J