Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cars and Licenses

When you first get a car and license you are so excited that you are about to jump about of a building.  You finally have the freedom you have been waiting for, for probably 16 years of your life.  Most likely you don’t really realize the responsibility all of this is bringing to you, I know I didn’t.

If you have parents like mine, they made you pay for half of the car.  I know there are some out there that buy the car for the kids and some that make their kids buy the car themselves.  After buying my car, I had like no money but yet somehow my parents have expected me to pay for gas and some do.  I have a few friends whose parents also make them pay for their insurance which would be terrible.

I don’t know if I just had bad luck or what, but I have had a lot of car problems that cost a lot of money to fix.  Now, after only buying my car a year ago, I’m probably going to have to buy a new one which is going to cut through all my savings again.

Not only are cars expensive, but the new found freedom puts you in more danger of getting in trouble with the law.  You can now get traffic violations and because you don’t have your parents always there, you can do things illegally much more easily.

Now of course, when you turn 16 there are still some restrictions on your license for a year that you may choose to follow, or you may just never get caught breaking them.  You can’t drive between the hours of 12:30 and 5 am without a parent or legal guardian and the consequences are much more severe for breaking traffic laws.

When you get that new (most likely only to you car) and your license, it adds a lot of responsibility to you.  The car adds a lot of financial responsibilities if your parents choose, and your license adds responsibility with the law.  I guess it is up to you how well you act with those responsibilities, I know a lot of kids that were given them a little too soon.


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