Saturday, January 12, 2013

Just Keep Driving

           Lately I have been reading a lot of posts from my fellow bloggers about driving, so I decided to write my own post. Now I’m not going to say I’m a terrific driver, because I can be kind of a spaz sometimes, but at the same time I follow the laws. I’m going to go over some of the laws I see broken all the time:

1.      Speeding, I mean not like the going 5 mph speeding, but like doubling the speed limit. I live along a recently widened five lane street, and following this change everyone has decided to go 55 mph down the street while the speed limit was only raised to 35 mph. The speed limits are there for a reason, I don’t live down some major street, the street was widened to accommodate increased traffic from surrounding suburbs but it is still residential. One of these days, an accident is going to happen when someone pulls out of their driveway because there was a speeding car not following the law.

2.      Not stopping at cross walks for pedestrians, it really isn’t that hard is it? I know I always stop at cross walks since when I was little trying to cross the road to and from school, no one would stop. This might be a little law, but it is a state law in Iowa and one of these days a little kid is going to get killed trying to go to school.

3.      Not stopping at stop signs, like hello! The signs say STOP for a reason, how much more idiot proof could they really be? I live by a four way stop, and I’m tired of people just rolling through. When people roll through a sign it can cause an accident, someone will go, because technically they should never have gone if they didn’t make a complete stop, and those two cars will collide. It is really not that hard.

4.      Making all those left turns after red, I mean I’m okay with one or maybe two cars going, but I know I have seen as many as 5 cars go through and make a left after the light turns red. This is really frustrating to people waiting to make left turns the other direction who currently have the legal right to go, and if they don’t notice one of those late cars going it may cause the two cars to collide.

5.      People who drive ridiculously slow.  I know this is the opposite of speeding, which I also complained about, but someone who is driving really slow may mean that another car would come up and rear-end them if they didn’t know how slow they were going.  I know, unless it’s on the interstate, there generally isn’t a minimum but still, stay within like 5 mph over the speed limit unless the roads are bad.  Last night I was driving behind someone going 15 mph in a 30 mph zone, and at first I almost hit them and then it is just plain frustrating.

There are a lot more laws I could go into that I constantly see broken, but I feel like this is starting to be a very long post the way it is, so I am going to just say this.  People, be smart, drive smart, and follow the law.


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